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(New!) Monterey County Civil Grand Jury | Ryan Ranch + Livestream Zoom

Course Description:

Many residents have heard of the Monterey County Civil Grand Jury, but few are familiar with the duties and inner workings of this important entity. Join current and former members of the Grand Jury as they explain the process and how you can participate. From actually serving on the jury to learning about filing complaints, this is one of the most fascinating citizen groups available to the public in Monterey County.


Tuition: $0.00

Additional Fees: $0.00


Monday, Apr. 7 *1:00 - 2:30 p.m.* (1 session)


CSUMB Ryan Ranch, 8 Upper Ragsdale Drive, Monterey + Livestream Zoom


The Monterey County Civil Grand Jury (MCCGJ) investigates and provides reports on the operations of local government in Monterey County, including the county, cities and numerous special districts that exist to serve its residents. The Civil Grand Jury undertakes investigations on its own initiative and also encourages residents to submit written complains that it may investigate.