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Perception and Perceptual Deficits | Ryan Ranch (Closed)

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Course Description:

Dr. Jill Yamashita gives us a fascinating glimpse into how our five senses lead to our perception of the world and what can go wrong within the perceptual system. The first session will focus on how we are able to perceive the world and what happens when there are mismatches between perception and reality (e.g., illusions). We will also examine how our perception is biased, based on our past experiences leading to how we interpret everything. The second lecture will reveal perceptual deficits such as color deficiencies, face blindness, problems with recognition of objects, motion blindness, hearing and speech deficits, smell anomia, and pain insensitivity, and reveal how these deficits can lead to changes in perception and behavior.


Tuition: $30.00

Additional Fees: $0.00

Registration Closed


Tuesdays, Apr. 15, 22; *2:00 – 4:00 p.m.* (2 sessions)


In Person: CSUMB Ryan Ranch, 8 Upper Ragsdale Drive, Monterey


Jill A. Yamashita, Ph.D., received her doctorate in Experimental Psychology from the University of Nevada, Reno. She is Professor of Psychology and a special consultant at CSUMB.